Its Raining...Dnt take the Umbrella..

From my childhood, till now,I have always been fascinated by the phenomenon called rain. Wow. I always liked the smell of soil when it rains after a long time.

To start of , during my childhood days, which I would say was till 12th standard, I was a person who always wanted to enjoy rain, but do it only by watching. After the classes in Plus two, my gang will usually play in the muddy water and wen we reach home, it will be a total mess. But again some thing was missing there, i couldnt actually find out what exactly was that.

When I joined Caarmel, during the days at Chaithram, I used to do the same, i.e, playing in mud. The respond I received was...well forgettable.. Shyam JK gave an absolutely disgusting look at me. Well that incident left me wondering...and I took the decison...lets enjoy rain...watching...

But it soon changed. I was able to find some real crazy people, much like me. Binesh,Araf,Vijin,Renjan,Vineeth and all..Now this reallly changed the scenario called rain in my life. Whenever rain came, whether it was on the eve of a long holiday or on the eve of Exams, a gang led by me and Binesh used to be at the ground playing cricket or volleyball, or just catching practices. The catching practices part was real fun. An year later we got some more people like George, Jerry Vishnu and all.... THen it became a habit. We used to enjoy every bit of Rain.

In the hostel also fun was similar. I used to be in the first room where Ajeesh, renjan,Bineesh etc were found usually. The roommates were, Araf, Blesson, and Vineeth. being the first room, whenever people saw rain, they asked for umbrella. When they came bak, they will ask, Whose Umbrella is this? (aarudeyaa ee kuda?)...and kuda was supposed to be Ajeesh's...So First room was full of orphan umbrellas.....

Once VishnuPrasanth came ad asked for an Umbrella. Binesh told him that "I will give it. Mabke sure that its not drenched"..This was the mindset that all had. We always used to carry Umbrella in our hands and made sure that we diddnt open those..hihi

Now years down the line, when I see rain, I am really missing those incidents. Rain was full of fun..but not anymore..I am missing my friends baadly..


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