King of Spade

For Engg students...for us...the best place to enjoy other than hostel was...LAB.....Our lab was divided into two batches ..32 and 33 each....
I wsa in the first batch which was again divided into 5......but we had a separate 6th batch...One guy from each batch....who were a headache to the whole batch...Ponna,Araf,Binesh,Jelak,Me n Lolan.......too cool

This incident happened in 7th sem..We were supposed to submit the rough record every time before we entered the lab....As usual one Guy came late...This time it was GINTO FRANCIS......the instructor called him.....asked for rough record....He took a 120 page notebook from his pocket...Teacher glared at him.....It was around 60 pages contained Rummy scores...hihi

She asked..."Ginto, is this the way you come to the lab..U r late..and u bring a 60 page notebook as a Rough record..."...Ginto was trying to give an answer...All of a sudden ....something fell from the rough was

A KING OF SPADE.....(yes we were playin cards the last day and his record was the scorebook for rummy)......

Now u can make a guess wat happened @#$%@#%^#^^


Unknown said…
We enjoyed it but he doesn't

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