Variety is the Spice of life

We are in the last semester.....As usual I got up at 9 30...yes class started....I went to brush and there was a heated discussion going on in the hostel...Went tre...Oh God..they have found out the variety exercise that we have to do today....yes..its finalized...the remaining people in the hostel r going to attend class, and that too by....WEARING THE PANTS INSIDE OUT or UPSIDE DOWN....

We first decided to go thru each and every floor in a group....All in the same uniform...hihi....Unfortunately there was only a single IT student with us....We accompanied him to the class and left him after giving him a FAREWELL to the class.....

Its time for the EEE class....thrilled as it was the first time we were going to attend a COMMUNICATION SESSION( it was tre for long...we never attended)...
We decided to go thru the front door....first ones to spot our freaky attempt were the GALS...ya always they do that..Gals r like that..they wont show it gal actually shouted...The teacher didn’t understand a bit...we took our seats...Suddenly a person from the office came...he asked for ANOOP RAVI...he stood up and went the teacher was stunned...Without hiding her surprised look...she asked...Wat was that...RAT WITH WINGS.....ofcourse in the wings(other side of pocket) it was written...KISS ME and I LOVE U
During the break one of our Day scholars was taken to the toilet by us and...hihi...we also made him a perfect hostler with our uniform....Our next project was SUPERMAN...luckily for diddn work out....


rajesh raj said…
ente mun room matine nee angane angu kochakkanda kettoda... koothareeee...

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