The Mech Ache....

We were the first batch in CML....All sort of sufferings a first bach student had to suffer....we also did....In between lot of fun...

3rd semester...EEE had a subject called Mechanical Engg....with LAB exam....This really gave us an head ache...especially the lab part....We didnt have a lab till I think a week before University exam........Finally everything got ready....

We wen tto the lab...The lecturer told us abt the turbines n stuff.....he showed one massive sturcture and said this is Francis turbine...Showed another one n said ...this is Pelton turbine......Then he pointed to a corner....there was absolutely nothing there....We looked at him ...amused...He said...That is the place where we actualy plan to put a Kaplan Turbine................

We still remeber that incident...We got the record signed from him in front of the External Examiner......So much to remember...Engg rocks...

The whole lab was set-up 3 days before the external examination. Our Principal, a very strict man (reminds me of the Principal in 3 idiots) was the lab in charge.

All day scholar did the experiments during the day and hostlers were asked to do theirs at night.

We are a group of cricket crazy guys. Wake us in the middle of the night to play cricket - there will always be enough people for two cricket teams.

So it happened that the first group of hostlers finished their experiments by 5 O' clock and came straight to the ground with stumps. The Lab was adjacent to the ground and as the second group were going in, our sports team captain , the Great ARAF KALAM ran on to the pitch , fully dressed in his Lab outfit, and said - " Enneyum koodi oru team'il itekku, njaan ippo varaam" (Put me in one team, I'm coming)

Unfortunately our Princi was standing at the door, witness to all Araf's actions. As Araf entered the Lab...


It was such an unforgettable incident and ARAF took that shocking decision, that after that day,he will never ever

STEP foot into the MECHANICAL LAB !

ANd to top it all...he collected the that year's cricket championship from the same Princi.

And did the same the next year too...

Proud to be TRIPLE EEE !!!


Binesh said…
The Mech Ache (Continued.....)

The whole lab was set-up 3 days before the external examination. Our Principal, a very strict man (reminds me of the Principal in 3 idiots) was the lab in charge.

All day scholar did the experiments during the day and hostlers were asked to do theirs at night.

We are a group of cricket crazy guys. Wake us in the middle of the night to play cricket - there will always be enough people for two cricket teams.

So it happened that the first group of hostlers finished their experiments by 5 O' clock and came straight to the ground with stumps. The Lab was adjacent to the ground and as the second group were going in, our sports team captain , the Great ARAF KALAM ran on to the pitch , fully dressed in his Lab outfit, and said - " Enneyum koodi oru team'il itekku, njaan ippo varaam" (Put me in one team, I'm coming)

Unfortunately our Princi was standing at the door, witness to all Araf's actions. As Araf entered the Lab...


It was such an unforgettable incident and ARAF took that shocking decision, that after that day,he will never ever

STEP foot into the MECHANICAL LAB !

ANd to top it all...he collected the that year's cricket championship from the same Princi.

And did the same the next year too...

Proud to be TRIPLE EEE !!!

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